Friday, September 28, 2018

Clone Your Pet Stuffed Animal

As any pet owner knows, our fur babies hold an indescribably special place in our hearts, not only when they are with us, but also after they are gone.

At Petagious, we understand the promise we make to cherish our pets when they come into our lives, and they reward us richly for it. They hog the couch, steal the bedcovers on cold nights, race us to the top of their favorite hiking trail and beg us for rides in the car, bestowing sloppy kisses of unconditional love when they are allowed to jump into the seat, bound for places unknown.

We also understand the pain of pet loss.

While our pets will always live on in our memories, preserved through stories and photographs, Petagious offers a more innovative, intimate way to keep those recollections alive by cloning your pet in stuffed animal form.

Using a series of photographs and the benefits of technology, we can create highly-detailed, handmade replicas of your beloved pet, capturing its exuberance in a way that allows you to remember the best of your pet, offering comfort to ease the grief of your loss.

Our custom stuffed animal replicas of your pet are detailed, handmade likenesses of the highest quality, and are available in a variety of different size options.

Custom Replica Stuffed Animals